Starting School
School Day
Useful Info

Financial Information

Important Documents
As a Multi-Academy Trust we are duty bound to present our Statutory Guidance documentation which enable us to operate. These documents are accessible below.
Supplemental Funding Agreement
Audited Accounts
As a Multi-Academy Trust SLP are required to produce Annual Accounts. Accounts for the following years can be accessed via the link below which will take you to the Important Documents section of the website:
(as provided by Chartered Accountants, Clive Owen).
Executive pay
The Academies Financial Handbook 2020 requires that the Trust publish on its website, in a separate readily accessible form, the number of employees whose pay benefits exceed £100,000 in £10,000 bandings, as an extract from the disclosure contained in its financial statements and including a prior year comparative figures.
Pay benefits for this purpose include salary, other taxable benefits, and the Trust’s own pension contributions.
To view this information in relation to SLP click here.