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Friends of Burnhope Primary School


Burnhope Heritage

The following recordings are residents’ conversations about memories of living in Burnhope from the 1930’s to 1960’s.

The accompanying intro-music is from ‘The Ash Grove’ played by Dodworth Colliery Brass Band.

leisure 1
00:00 / 16:00

Thank you to the Colliery Band for their music during the introduction and interlude.


00:23 - Resident speaks about the Burnhope Brass Band.


03:38 - We learn about the different halls in Burnhope and the activities they provided-This includes the Miners Hall.


09:18 - A resident talks about what they did when they were children-cricket, dances, sports day and football.


10:40 - Residents talk about going to the cinema and the films they watched, when they were children. They also speak about the Community Centre, Methodist Chapel and youth club.


14:39 - Discussion around other groups in the community-scouts and cubs.

leisure 2
00:00 / 09:35

00:24 - Visiting the ‘Hoppings’ (fair)

02:12 - Rock and roll fashion

03:33 - Ivy Leaf Club trip to the seaside


06:37 - Summer trips organised by the Ivy Leaf Club, Colliery and Working Men’s Club


08:08 - Entertainment for teenagers

living 1
00:00 / 16:39

00:10 - Housing - describing a 3 bed house and conditions in the Colliery cottages

04:05 - Sharing everything, hand-me-downs, knowing no different

08:05 - Everybody had the same

09:53 - Describing a 1 bed colliery cottage and Parkside ‘modern’ houses

14:41 - Houshold appliances

shops and businesses
00:00 / 13:56

00:22 - Burnhope was isolated

01:07 - Locations and owners of shops

03:11 - Shop interiors and mobile shops (pro-vans)

06:22 - General dealers 1960’s and ‘the store’

11:28 - Colliery school became Conway Tyres

leisure 3
00:00 / 14:58

00:10 - Social night’s out

03:21 - Socialising as a teenager

07:32 - Working in clubs playing the drums

10:47 - Hobbies, clubs, teams and changes in the village

12:40 - Playing out in the village

living 2
00:00 / 13:18

00:22 - Good times but hard times

03:00 - Description of 4 bed house and childhood in Burnhope

07:20 - Toilets and ‘the midden man’

09:09 - The terraced council houses

11:16 - All same standard of living and their pride

00:00 / 16:06

00:22 - Becoming a miner and having ‘marras’

02:12 - Comradeship

03:10 - Training to be a miner

05:51 - Different work on different shifts

09:08 - An accident down the mine

13:21 - Down the mine


With our thanks to:


Alex Henry at Curiosity Creative for recording and editing these conversations



Mid Durham AAP and the Heritage Lottery fund for funding the project


Age UK for their co-operation


The participants for their time and commitment to the project: Derek Coates, Ossie Johnson, Harry Barron,Gordon Smith, Billy Johnson, Alan Gibson, Barry Henderson, Jim Bradley, Joan Bradley.

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